Distend - определение. Что такое Distend
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Что (кто) такое Distend - определение

Distended; Distends; Distend; Distending; Distensions; Distension (disambiguation); Distention

·vi To become expanded or inflated; to Swell.
II. Distend ·vt To extend in some one direction; to lengthen out; to Stretch.
III. Distend ·vt To stretch out or extend in all directions; to Dilate; to enlarge, as by elasticity of parts; to inflate so as to produce tension; to cause to swell; as, to distend a bladder, the stomach, ·etc.
(distends, distending, distended)
If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large. (MEDICAL or FORMAL)
Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas...
The colon, or large intestine, distends and fills with gas.
= swell
VERB: be V-ed, V, also V n
...an infant with a distended belly.
¦ verb swell or cause to swell because of pressure from inside.
distended adjective
distensibility noun
distensible adjective
distension noun
ME: from L. distendere, from dis- 'apart' + tendere 'to stretch'.



Distension (spelled distention in many style regimens) generally refers to an enlargement, dilation, or ballooning effect. It may refer to:

  • Abdominal distension, typically a symptom of an underlying disease or dysfunction in the body, rather than an illness in its own right
  • Gastric distension, bloating of the stomach when air is pumped into it, as in a medical procedure
  • Distention of blood vessels under increased blood pressure; see Compliance (physiology) § Blood vessels
Примеры произношения для Distend
1. The reason it looks kind of weird is because the jaws come -- they distend and they like
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Примеры употребления для Distend
1. He was born with Hirschsprung‘s disease (disease of the bowel) and if he swallowed lots of air and got wind (through crying) it could cause his tummy to distend.